Welcome to progressivebreaks.net (pb.n), the home for progressive breaks mixes from myself, Atmospherix.
I regularly mix live on Twitch, typically spinning the latest in progressive breaks, but also dipping into the archives of older proggy breaks, nu skool breaks, and old skool… and every so oftern, a little drum n’ bass 😎 Follow me there for notifications when I go live!

Click here to see if I’m live on Twitch!
Most mixes get posted to Mixcloud, and then typically a short time later to SoundCloud.
The pb.n podcast…

Starting in 2009, I released a handful of podcast episodes on iTunes. You can find tracklists for those episodes here. Recently, I’ve been updating the RSS feed with my mixes from Twitch as well!

A little history…
For over 20 years I’ve dabbled in mixing – first cutting my teeth spinning vinyl on your standard 1200s. (Have I mentioned that I’m a Hybrid devotee?)

With a growing MP3 collection (and nowhere to store piles of vinyl) I decided to go digital with a pair of Technics SL-DZ1200s (yes, those). While fun, they soon become obsolete.

Searching for other solutions, I came across Native Instrument’s Traktor, and landed on a Traktor S2 MK2. I played with those sporadically for a while until September 2023 when I decided to first stream on Twitch!
Realizing the S2 was also becoming a little long in the tooth, I eventually migrated to my current setup, NI’s Traktor S4 MK3.